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Choosing Commercial Insulation

Both residential and commercial buildings can benefit from the comfort and energy savings provided by the right insulation system. Because commercial buildings are typically larger than residential homes, they cost more to heat and cool and often have more windows, doors, and other spaces through which conditioned air can be lost without proper insulation measures. Recent studies have discovered that as much as 33% of a commercial building’s utility bills are attributable to lost heating and cooling. If you own a commercial space such as an office, laboratory, or warehouse, insulating your property can protect your employees, your clients, and your products, while also helping you to save significantly on the cost of HVAC services.

Assessing Your Insulation Needs

When choosing the right commercial insulation for your property, it’s important to assess your needs. First, the type of building you need to insulate will affect your choice of insulation product, as a warehouse, manufacturing plant, or storage facility may have very different insulation needs than an office or convention space. Second, the type of insulation you choose will depend on characteristics such as your building’s size and the materials it incorporates, as some building materials offer more natural insulation than others. Third, you should also assess whether you want your insulation to provide additional benefits, such as pest-repelling properties or soundproofing, which can further protect your property from potential hazards and improve your employees’ workplace environment to boost productivity.

Popular Types of Commercial Insulation

There are several types of insulation that are commonly used for commercial applications. Rigid board insulation has a high R-value that offers excellent temperature control and energy savings, particularly in large spaces, but the initial cost of this type of insulation tends to be high. Fiberglass is a good low-cost alternative that works well in large cavities or empty spaces; this type of insulation is available as batts, blankets, and blown-in insulation for greater versatility across a variety of applications. However, fiberglass insulation doesn’t completely stop airflow through the material, and can become a home for rodents and pests without regular pest control and deterrent solutions. Cellulose and spray foam insulation are excellent solutions for sealing hard-to-reach or irregularly-shaped spaces, including the areas around pipes and vents. Mineral wool insulation offers excellent soundproofing, and is often used to mask both HVAC and other types of acoustic noise that may otherwise easily transfer between adjacent spaces. Ultimately, you may want to combine several types of insulation to achieve your overall energy efficiency goals, depending on the architecture and specific needs of your commercial space.

Whether you are getting ready to build a new commercial space or want to update an existing property, our insulation specialists are pleased to offer commercial insulation services in Long Island. We can help you choose and install the best type of insulation for your needs, including spray foam insulation, fiberglass insulation, cellulose insulation, and rigid board insulation. Please take a look through our website or check out our blog for more information about our insulation products and energy efficiency services.

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